Message from Director – Training & Placement
Great pleasure to head the department of Training & Placement which provide the initial offer of job to the students and which can provide the long term excellent career to the students. The Training & placement Cell right from the induction of the students start attracting them through a designed program to guide them to enable them to grasp the all different knowledgeable transactions adequately.
The Training & Placement cell takes opportunities to enhance the skills of students to an optimum level of the needs. The environment of the Motherhood University at Roorkee inculcate all ethical , academicals and professional skills in their personalities to meet all requirements of the companies and to get through all obstacles confidently.
As a prime part of the task the students are being briefed the significance of the training in the career and provides them all technical & soft skills training in house by best trainers also to provide them the industrial exposure the industrial visits and the interaction with experts from the industries are very often and remains continue throughout the session to attain the knowledge of industrial gamut.
With pleasure we would like to appraise that Motherhood University at Roorkee is having a best practice to prepare its students to grow as an ultimate technocrats & professionals to contribute to various organisations to achieve all excellent business, with the total knowledge acquired by them.
We feel a great satisfaction for being the part of a very noble assignment of providing the jobs to all aspirants by our team of placement at Motherhood University at Roorkee.
Prof. (Dr.) S. C. Bohidar
Director – Training & Placement
Motherhood University
Recent Placements
Campus Placement of 81 Students in Famous Companies like Tech Mahendra & M.K.D. Group | Highest Package 16 LPA
रुड़की: मदरहुड़ विश्वविद्यालय, रुड़की में टेक महिन्द्रा तथा एम . के . डी ग्रुप जैसे विश्वप्रसिद्ध कम्पनियो द्वारा दिनांक 15 ऐवम 17 अप्रैल , 2023 को कैम्पस प्लेसमेंट हुआ जिसमे 81 छात्रों का चयन हुआ तथा एमबीए के छात्र मोहम्मद अदिल को सर्वोच्च 16 लाख सालाना पैकेज ऑफर किया...
Campus Placement of 38 Students in World’s Famous Companies | Highest Package 12 LPA
एम.के.डी. ग्रुप आफ कम्पनीज तथा आई.सी.आई.सी.आई. बैंक जैसे विश्व प्रसिद्व कम्पनियों द्वारा मदरहुड़ विश्वविद्यालय, रुड़की में दिनांक 24 मार्च 2023 को कैम्पस ड्राइव कराई गई। जिसमें सर्वोच्च सैलरी पैकेज 12 लाख बी.एससी. एग्रीकल्चर के छात्र श्री सौरभ सैनी को आफर किया गया ।...
बजाज मोटर्स लिमिटेड तथा अन्य कम्पनियों द्वारा 109 छात्रों का कैम्पस चयन
रुड़की: मदरहुड़ विश्वविद्यालय रुड़की में पाँच विश्व विख्यात कम्पनी द्वारा आयोजित कैम्पस प्लेसमेंट ड्राइव में कुल 109 छात्रों का चयन हुआ इस कैम्पस प्लेसमेंट में जस्ट डायल, अनजिया आर एक्स लाईफ साइंस, ल्।ब्ब्।, प्रितम इण्टर नेशनल, वन पॉइंट वन, डिस टी०वी० (एसल ग्रुप), बजाज...
Training & Placement Cell
looks after training, development and placement of students. Special efforts are made to groom the students to meet upcoming industry standards. right from the time of admission. The cell works on development of soft as well as industry skills through training programs, workshops, group sessions and industrial visits. Complete placement assistance is provided to launch students to a successful career thus meeting the objective through a well laid plan.
The true significance of training and the other value added programs are transacted with the students and by doing so elevating their level of desire to the height where they start looking for the glorious career and they start evolving them in the well designed programs and like that they entered and understand the mechanism of learning process. Ultimately nothing but making them very outstanding. In fact the efforts and the object of the organization to make them the master of their subject.
Continuous development is ensured through workshops, group-sessions, seminars and interactions with experts. Learning is extended beyond classroom to keep students on the right track of development.
The department of training & placement takes good care of the industries relations and nourishes them sincerely. ultimately taking all advantages for the growth of students. The industrial environment is provided to the students to understand the terms and gamut by providing them the internship / visits and the interaction with industrial leaders , we are very fortunate to have the industrial area in our district and the Motherhood University itself in the vicinity of Industries only.
Ample opportunities of placement are provided to the students and a proper procedure being follow up also equal opportunities are provided , there is nothing to mentioned its ever overflows , things are ever satisfactory in term of nos. & percentage.
Appraisal By Visiting Companies
We welcome you to MHU and assure you of a nurturing and caring environment that will see all of you blossom into empowered citizens of tomorrow.

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