Message from The Controller of Examinations
Dear Students,
World is full of a variety of knowledge, present out there on the reach of hand for everyone and anyone to consummate to get a higher level of intelligence, intelligence is just not what we read in books, Intelligence is more of attitude, knowledge of the world and themselves that a person acquires over time and build higher intellectual skills and becomes a better person than they were before! A person should team to learn new every day and to better their skills over time. As the world needs more people with a good attitude and nature to help others, as a good person we shall take a vow to help those who are in need by acquiring knowledge as much possible and provide them further to those who need that knowledge but is not able to achieve, “We shall become a person we should be proud of”.
As our university “Motherhood University” provides a wide range of courses to the students and an environment for them where they learn and grow not just by learning through books, also learning through the experience of all the friendly professors who provide all the knowledge in this university for the students who want to become better than they were.
Dr. Anupam Kumar Gupta
Controller of Examinations
Motherhood University
Motherhood University
The University follows continuous system of evaluation wherein the students are being evaluated throughout the semester comprised of theory and practical courses.
The University majority conducts Mid Semester Examination (MTE) and End Semester Examination (ETE) in each semester. In addition, Written Quiz, Assignments, Project Work and Seminars are conducted at various interval during the semester. The overall grade is assigned by considering these components put together.
The University has adopted 10 point scale grading system of evaluation as recommended by UGC (given below). The overall Grade Point Average is assigned to the student by Cumulating the Semester Grade Point Average of all the semesters. The formula for Equivalent Percentage is 10xCGPA.
Check List for Degree / Diploma
Application Form (Kindly fill Properly and attach required documents as per form)
Documents Required for Degree / Diploma
1. Photocopy of ID Proof (Aadhar Card/ Voter ID).
2. Photocopy of Original Marksheet (All years mark sheet).
3. Degree Fee Receipt.
Check List for Migration
Application Form (Kindly fill Properly and attach required documents as per form)
Documents Required for Degree / Diploma
1. Photocopy of ID Proof (Aadhar Card/Voter ID).
2. Photocopy of Original Marksheet / Provisional Certificate.
3. Migration fee receipt (Photocopy).
Check List for Provisional Degree
Application Form (Kindly fill Properly and attach required documents as per form)
Documents Required for Degree / Diploma
1. Photocopy of ID Proof (Aadhar Card/Voter ID).
2. Photocopy of Original Marksheet (All Years marksheet).
3. Provisional Degree fee receipt (Photocopy).